Who We Are
A Message from Our President
Why get involved in Bibliotecas Para La Gente in the first place? Being an active member of the local REFORMA Chapter has improved my professional and leadership skills in ways that the workplace can’t. Mentorship is embedded in the way this non-profit exclusively run by volunteers functions. In addition, sharing the REFORMA mission, to promote and provide services to the Latino and Spanish-speaking, allows me access to a mighty support network of human beings who understand why REFORMA exists and why the work is important.
My journey with REFORMA and BPLG started when I changed careers in my mid-30s and started working at San Mateo County Libraries as a Community Program Specialist. Latinx librarians mentored, guided, and introduced me to BPLG and REFORMA members at my first ALA conference in 2015. I became a member but didn’t do more than that for some time. Regardless, active and non-active BPLG members supported me as I gained more experience in the field of libraries, explored the possibility of getting my MLIS–and got it, changed jobs, and became a Librarian. While in Grad school and working full-time I started attending BPLG membership meetings when I could, and noticed the positive influence in my career by being actively involved. The time together with members, past and present, made a difference for me and helped me stay focused and energized.
Joanna M. Arteaga La Spina
Bibliotecas Para La Gente President, 2024-2025
Officers of Bibliotecas Para La Gente
Yajaira Cavazos
General descriptions of positions
- Calls and presides over all general membership meetings of the Chapter, serves as the Chapter’s official representative and provides leadership for all its activities.
- Notifies all members of upcoming meetings by written notice or by email at least 1-2 weeks ahead.
- Compiles and distributes the Agenda for the Chapter Meeting to all members.
- Represents and speaks on behalf of the organization in its relationship with any other organizations or agencies as appropriate.
- Keeps track of and facilitates the work of all BPLG committees.
- As a member of the REFORMA Executive Board with one vote, represents the Chapter at REFORMA business meetings and activities at national conferences, including ALA annual and midwinter.
- Prepares annual reports of Chapter accomplishments and activities to be presented at REFORMA Executive Board meeting at the annual ALA conference.
- Coordinates conference responsibilities.
- Chairs the Nominations Committee.
- Assists the President with the duties listed under that office.
- Becomes President after serving one year as Vice President.
- Assumes the duties of the President in the President’s absence or incapacity.
- Is responsible for taking minutes at the chapter’s bi-monthly meetings.
- Sends out minutes to membership following the chapter’s bimonthly meetings.
- Coordinates, together with Treasurer, membership renewal campaign in the fall.
- Takes charge of and is responsible for all the fiscal, financial, and budgetary affairs of BPLG.
- Prepares and distributes a Treasurer’s Report at every BPLG meeting.
- Makes payment to REFORMA of one third of Chapter dues collected as stipulated by REFORMA procedures.
- Makes payment to REFORMA of all member donations to REFORMA scholarship fund as stipulated by REFORMA procedures.
- Processes membership information and payments in a timely manner.
- Forwards new member information to BPLG President.
- Compiles and distributes a membership directory on a regular basis.
- Coordinates, together with Secretary, membership renewal campaign in the fall.
- Offers assistance to the current President and Officers.
- Serves as a Q&A person to the organization.
- Is responsible for the BPLG website.
- Updates the website as needed.
- Collaborates with the Web Committee.
- Presents proposals for changes to the website to the membership.
Prior Executive Boards
Officers 2023-2024
President - Adrian Barrientos
Vice President - Joanna M. Arteaga La Spina
Past President - Andy Paul
Secretary - Adriana Lugo
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Webmaster - Joanna M. Arteaga La Spina
Officers 2022-2023
President - Andy Paul
Vice President - Adrian Barrientos
Past President - Andy Paul
Secretary - Hector Garcia
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Webmaster - Joanna M. Arteaga La Spina
Officers 2021-2022
President - Andy Paul
Vice President - Adrian Barrientos
Past President - Adriana Lugo
Secretary - Susan Nilson
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Webmaster - Joanna M. Arteaga La Spina
Officers 2020-2021
President - Adriana Lugo
Vice President - Andy Paul
Past President - Jennifer Maria Weisberg
Secretary - Esmeralda Casas
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Officers 2019-2020
President - Jennifer Maria Weisberg
Vice President - Adriana Lugo
Past President - Esmeralda Casas
Secretary - Andy Paul
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Webmaster - Elizabeth Munoz Rosas / Nancy Macias
Officers 2018-2019
President - Esmeralda Casas
Vice President - Jennifer Maria Weisberg
Past President - Francisco Vargas
Secretary - Adriana Lugo
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Webmaster - Dolly Goyal
Officers 2017-2018
President - Francisco Vargas
Vice President - Esmeralda Casas
Past President - Armando Rivera
Secretary - Jennifer Weisberg
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Officers 2016-2017
President - Armando Rivera
Vice President - Francisco Vargas
Past President - Janice Garcia
Secretary - Esmeralda Casas
Treasurer - Patricia (Pat) Toney
Webmaster - Heather Ott